Clinical Optometry Poland 2024
International scientific conference of the Polish Optometric Association

On November 15-17, 2024, the Clinical Optometry Poland 2024 scientific conference will be held in Warsaw for the first time. After the entry into force of the Act on Certain Medical Professions, regulating the profession of optometrist, there was a great market demand for a conference at which, first of all, the research results of Polish scientists would be presented and a space would be created to exchange their knowledge and experiences with specialists from around the world.
The event will be interdisciplinary and international. Due to the huge interest, further COP events are already planned and will be held periodically. The conference will consist of a number of moderated panels divided into thematically consistent presentations. The session will include individual speeches by scientists, discussion panels, practical workshops and meetings with scientists, practitioners and world-class health care specialists.
The topics of this year's conference are:
1. Clinical Optometry,
2. Advanced Contact Lens,
3. New Technologies in Optometry,
4. Optometry Practice Business,
5. Myopia Control,
6. Anterior Segment Disorders.

Extraordinary lectures and workshops on running business activities within the medical profession, which will inspire and motivate Polish specialists to run their offices in accordance with the best patterns from Europe and the world, adapted to Polish regulations.
The official language of the conference is English. Professional medical translators are available to participants and speakers throughout the entire event.

Przewodnicząca rady: dr n. med. Joanna Przeździecka-Dołyk
Wiceprzewodniczący: dr n. med. Patryk Młyniuk
prof. dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Dobrowolski
dr n. med. Anna Maria Ambroziak
dr n. fiz. Monika Czaińska  
dr n. med. Monika Wojtczak-Kwaśniewska
dr n. fiz. Dorota Zygadło
dr n. med. Hanna Buczkowska
mgr Sylwia Kijewska
mgr Konrad Abramczuk
mgr Dominika Olkowska

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