David Berkow is an optometrist working in his private practice in Haifa, Israel since 1978, and at The Department of Ophthalmology, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel. He completed his Doctor of Optometry at Aston University (Birmingham, U.K.) He is a Fellow of numerous Optometric Associations including the B.C.L.A., I.A.C.L.E., E.A.O.O., A.A.O. He is a Global Ambassador of the B.C.L.A. and I.A.C.L.E. He lectures extensively both locally and abroad at Optometric Conferences and engages in promoting optometric education in Israel.
David Berkow
Dip.Optom.(S.A.) F.O.A.(S.A.) F.C.Optom.(U.K.)
F.A.A.O. F.E.A.O.O. F.B.C.L.A. F.I.A.C.L.E.